Referring Physicians

THANK YOU! For entrusting your patient’s vein care with us. There is no higher compliment that we can receive from you:

  • We are Prosper’s first dedicated vein practice and we provide the best vein care designed to meet your patient’s needs with WOW service that exceeds expectations.
  • We provide true Comprehensive Vein Care, treating the full spectrum of vein disease.
  • We provide cutting edge treatments for venous insufficiency.
  • We provide a personal feel in a professional manner while offering the most up to date care.

How Vitality Vein Care can help:

We are a comprehensive vein referral program: for patients who need a referral for the treatment of venous insufficiency.

  • Call the office to request a referral: 469-750-2277
  • Make an appointment for the patient
  • We reach out and contact the patient to make an appointment
  • We see the patient
  • You receive consultation report as well as status updates for treatments

Request a lunch and learn for you and your office

  • We will come to your office to update you and your staff on advances in Vein care
  • Contact our office at [email protected] or call 469-750-2277 to schedule a lunch and learn for your team

About Vitality Vein Care

At Vitality Vein Care, we promise to be sensitive to your patient’s needs, to go above and beyond their expectations to ensure that their experience at VVC is exceptional. We want them to feel like they are our only patient. Consultations, treatments, and procedures are all done in our warm and caring office setting in Prosper.

Our Vein Specialists’ Process is Different

From the initial phone call, to the completion of treatment plan, our desire and goal is to put your patients at ease.

After a thorough and complete examination, we will review our findings and recommendations with your patient and you. This allows them to make an informed health care decision while including you in their plan. If you ever need to speak with one of our physicians, we are easily accessible 24/7 and can provide our cell phone if desired.

Comprehensive Vein Care

VVC provides full spectrum vein care. We treat both the underlying cause of your patients’ problems and the visible varicose and spider veins. We treat varicose veins, spider veins, venous ulcers, and leg swelling. Minimally invasive treatment options that we provide include endovenous ablation (RFA), VenaSeal™, Varithena™, Ambulatory Phlebectomy, and Ultrasound guided sclerotherapy.

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